This Week's New & Slightly Older Beer Labels: FFF RTD Free-For-All
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We’re going to do something this week that I don’t think we’ve ever done before.
Now that the news is in the world about Three Floyds introducing a line of ready-to-drink cocktails, I figured it would be a good time to pull back the curtain and show everyone the things that Premium Subscribers got to see back in November when these emerged via the TTB in not just Indiana, but Missouri as well.
So here are…
The New Old Illinois Indiana(ish) Beer RTD Labels of the Week:
The top two labels are from about a month ago, and were filed by Three Floyds themselves. The bottom two are from a Missouri distillery, and these emerged back in November as mentioned above. Why was FFF working with a third party on these when they have a distillery of their own? We don’t know! Our requests for comment went nowhere with either spot, which is not surprising, really.
It’s quite a long and winding road from the first Dark Lord Day twenty years ago1 to canned vodka sodas from the same brand, but hey — no better evidence that a “pure brewery” barely exists any more. Everyone is a beverage company now.
And that’s fine! The world only spins forward. That said, if New Glarus ever puts out a RTD canned cocktail, I’m going to have to seriously consider shutting this whole thing down and walking away.
Premium Subscribers still know about another FFF line extension that hasn’t yet emerged, so if you aren’t a paid subscriber and want to scour the back issues to see what’s up with those, you are more than welcome to join us: