Sometimes when the universe gives you an opportunity to title your weekly email with a bit of wordplay, you gotta take it. That’s why this is…
The New Illinois Beer Label of the Week:
On Monday, we showed you a news story about Excel Brewing & Bottling Company in downstate Breese, and today we see this label drop into our laps. It’s been a while since we’ve seen anything from this team, so maybe they’re gearing up for a more beer-y summer?
Either way, raspberry ales are delicious (note to self: grab the Dark Horse version sometime soon) and honey probably helps round off the tartness to appeal to a broader audience. If you see this and try it, let me know how it is!
The fun stops here for free subscribers, but Premium Subscribers can scroll down to see:
An updated label for a very old beer from Three Floyds
A label that made me google how to spell “onomatopoetic”
A brand extension that seems way too hot-on-the-heels of the original beer
A drink that brings new meaning to “fruit cocktail”
A Monarch, a Leeloo, some Boat Shoes and a Space Force
Oh, and the first BCS label of 2024. Not a Premium Subscriber and you want to see what’s going on? You can join the fun for just over a buck a week:
Industry subscribers can probably even find a way to write this off as a business expense, but I’m not an accountant so don’t quote me on that. Onward!