This Week's New Sporty Beverage Labels:
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Hi, friends! It’s been a minute since we’ve had some labels to look at, and even though we’ve just been through some shortened holiday weeks, there is still some fun stuff emerging right now. Like these two labels, for example:
The New Illinois Beer Label(s) of the Week:
Now that the Bears season has ended I’ve started looking forward to whenever it is that pitchers and catchers report. As such, this beer label is well timed.
IIRC, Two Brothers had a special Kane County Cougars beer years ago, and then “official craft brewery” status transferred to Tangled Roots for a minute - but then last year it landed at 93 Octane and there’s never a bad time for a new West Coast IPA. Yay sports!
One good sports-related beer deserves another, yes? I’m not a gambler - you can guess what my main vice is - though I do know that parlay bets are not a great idea, odds-wise. But … they are fun!
I bet this is an excellent Sunday-afternoon beer, and while it looks like it’s been on draft at Midwest Coast throughout the regular NFL season it appears to be getting ready for package purchases in the postseason. Probably a good pick for whatever Superbowl party you find yourself at.
Up next for our Premium Subscribers: Another Superbowl-related beer label! Michiganders will appreciate this one. Also: A good brunch beer, a Very Good Boy, a really fun Mary Poppins inspired beer name, a Wisco Cream (ew), and more!
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