A quick news update. Shortly after sending Monday’s email, I learned two things:
Viking Artisan Ales announced last week that they’d be closing.
And on Monday, Howard Street Brewing announced that they’d be closing.
Howard Street does say that “[t]his is not goodbye, as there are some things in the works.” That “thing” might be a new brewpub location that can offer food plus a full bar, as indicated in this Block Club story on the closure.
Thanks to those of you who reached out to send me the links! Hopefully no one else will announce a closure by the time we send our Friday email, but let’s be real, that’s entirely possible right now.
The New Illinois Beer Label of the Week:
I’ve been following Illinois labels for quite a while and I don’t remember seeing much from the Springfield Beer Co., so if they have a hazy DDH IPA coming out, I’m happy to share it with you here. And they’ve got two locations! I didn’t even know that Illinois had a Jacksonville. TIL.
Up next, Premium Subscribers will see a new bourbon from an Illinois brewstillery, a Michigan lager line extension, a new version of an Ohio stout that’s had lots of barrel aging but not an adjunct like this, another surprising RTD from a brewer you wouldn’t expect, an interstate NA line extension experiment, plus evidence that one Minnesota brewery may need a few extra hugs in January and February.
And more! Want to know more about all of those and you’re not a Premium Subscriber? You know what to do: