I’ve had my fingers crossed all day that Sapporo wouldn’t decide to shutter another famous brewery like they did a week ago. Looks like Stone is safe (for today at least), so I’m going to go ahead with this week’s beer label email.
For paid subscribers this week, you’ll get to see new beers from around the Midwest which include adjunct ingredients including but not limited to: Peanut butter, honey, passionfruit, orange, vanilla, pistachio, peach, mango and … tomatoes? Yep!
Plus beers aged in bourbon, rum and wine barrels for good measure, and even a couple beers that taste like beer, if you can believe it.
Let’s get started with…
The New Illinois Beer Label Of The Week:
When I saw the name “Righteous Anger” on the listing for this one I thought for sure we were getting into some “Jules from Pulp Fiction” IP theft but no! It’s just a volcano, I guess. Good work, Blind Pig.
Up next — a type of barrel-aged tripel you rarely ever see, plus a new pale ale and I’m always here to support new pale ales: